Thursday, June 25, 2009

Here begins Motherhood....

Yes, right as most of you know I am enjoying the best part of motherhood now. I say “now” because the first 3 months were just terrible. There were times when I just hated the nausea, the sickness, the tiredness …aahhh ! I just did not like it to the extent that I was even repelled to read anything about first trimester! Well, I used to feel guilty too for not being able to love the new addition to my life, not being able to enjoy the pregnancy (which most women seem to do without a problem, or do they feel the same way too? Except that they are not expressing? ….hmmm, never thought about it that way! ) As if to add spice to that, I read an article on CNN about fears of new moms, great! While it added to my list of cribbing, in a way it also was comforting to know that I wasn’t alone with all those scary thoughts. Jokes apart, I seriously used to feel sometimes “Is something wrong with me? Should I talk to my doctor about this (and even came close to doing so too!)? Should I ask my friends?” But again, there was the ego factor of what would they think of me if I told them that I don’t like what’s going on with me? One of my friends is expecting her second baby and we both are just 3 weeks apart, with her being the earlier. We both have had our daily dose of “discussions/cribbing” about how irritating it was to have a weird taste lingering even after you ate the most tastiest meal dish! Talking to her at least gave me a sense of relief that whatever I was going through was absolutely normal.

But now I am through with all the sickness, less tiredness and thankfully no nausea. Of course, there is still the aversion to certain foods, but that’s manageable. I finally am enjoying and actually thinking about the baby. In fact, it’s all about the baby now, I even dream about seeing the baby in an ultrasound. And mind you it’s not just the regular ultrasound; the one I saw in my dream was a 3D image! Oh yes, there locations which do that. We have our ultrasound next month and I can’t wait to know if it’s a girl or a boy.

And yes, I have started putting on weight (I was thinking I might have put on 2 -3 lbs, but lo behold the weighing scale showed that I put on 8!) and that’s a little scary. Imagine, of the 30 or so lbs that I will be putting on, the baby will hardly weigh 7 lbs and it’s up to me to loose the rest? Scary, ain’t it? Well, now because of the extra weight and a round belly, I do not fit into most of my regular clothes, so time to go shopping. I did buy some maternity clothes. And yes, I do love being pregnant now, a very contradicting opinion from a couple of months ago! That’s about it for now, and will keep you guys posted!


Neelu said...

Go Ammu! Go!
So happy to know that you are enjoying being pregnant. You should never worry about "what would they think of me" because that's what friends are for -not judge you but to always support you no matter what.

Unknown said...

hey ammu congrats!! enjoy ur motherhood.....its really best part of life...makes u more matured and responsible and u r treated special.. atleast till u give birth :)

btw, i am also expecting my second child in november...and just like u first 3 mths was bad and now no more nausea and much better...will mail u in detail later