Thursday, August 06, 2009

My new alarm piece!

Yes, I have a new alarm these days, which keeps reminding me when to "eat" especially - It’s the baby. Oh did I mention that it’s a boy? Well, if I dint here it is now – yes we found out in the ultrasound (14th July 2009), could not wait to know for another 4 months, 5 months was enough surprise for me. It was a great experience looking at the baby in the ultrasound, I mean till then you really don’t see much of a baby in the previous ultrasounds. But this one actually looks like one and you can point out at his little feet, little hands, his face and much more! Not until now, you real get the hang of it.

Oh yeah, forgot about the alarm part, I kind of slipped into the ultrasound excitement. I felt the first tickle when we went to watch fireworks at the lake shore (18th July 2009). There was an Italian fest going on in the downtown by the lake and they had fireworks at the end. We were standing pretty close to where they had the show and almost around the middle of the show I started feeling a tickling sensation in my tummy. That was the first time I have experienced it. In fact to tell you the truth I went to watch the fireworks in a hope of feeling the baby move because of the sounds. It was really nice to feel him move. I have been waiting for that experience all through. My friends started telling me "wait till he moves more and the kicks and punches get stronger". I really dint take those words seriously until I actually felt them. Trust me, those little kicks and punches can wake you up! After about a week or so, one night around 3 am I woke up, a couple of reasons – One, I was hungry and Two, I could feel him actually kicking / punching. I tried getting back to sleep but could not, he just seemed so restless, that I had to force myself to get up and eat something. I called my mom and she was startled (of course she was, I called her at such an odd hour). And that’s when my mom enlightened me that the babies start kicking if they are hungry. Great! That was when I realized that I have a new alarm now telling me when to eat! Believe it or not, since that day if my usual meal/snack time gets delayed a little I have to bear the kicks and punches. And mind you, they are getting stronger day by day.

He does not care if I am hungry or not, if I am full or not, if he is hungry he will let me know about it. Now that I have actually seen him in the ultrasound and can feel him move, it’s damn right tough avoiding those little nudges. It actually feels like he is telling me “hey mom, I am hungry, give me something to eat”. How can you say NO to that? May be the nudges really don’t mean that he is hungry but you never know, he might be! So, even I am full, I try having a light snack and feeling contended that I have fed him. Before, if I was busy with something else, I would delay having my food thinking I can eat once I am done with whatever that was so important to be finished. But now I cannot do that – there is something inside me that keeps telling me to eat on time. Well, I am definitely enjoying my new alarm!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Here begins Motherhood....

Yes, right as most of you know I am enjoying the best part of motherhood now. I say “now” because the first 3 months were just terrible. There were times when I just hated the nausea, the sickness, the tiredness …aahhh ! I just did not like it to the extent that I was even repelled to read anything about first trimester! Well, I used to feel guilty too for not being able to love the new addition to my life, not being able to enjoy the pregnancy (which most women seem to do without a problem, or do they feel the same way too? Except that they are not expressing? ….hmmm, never thought about it that way! ) As if to add spice to that, I read an article on CNN about fears of new moms, great! While it added to my list of cribbing, in a way it also was comforting to know that I wasn’t alone with all those scary thoughts. Jokes apart, I seriously used to feel sometimes “Is something wrong with me? Should I talk to my doctor about this (and even came close to doing so too!)? Should I ask my friends?” But again, there was the ego factor of what would they think of me if I told them that I don’t like what’s going on with me? One of my friends is expecting her second baby and we both are just 3 weeks apart, with her being the earlier. We both have had our daily dose of “discussions/cribbing” about how irritating it was to have a weird taste lingering even after you ate the most tastiest meal dish! Talking to her at least gave me a sense of relief that whatever I was going through was absolutely normal.

But now I am through with all the sickness, less tiredness and thankfully no nausea. Of course, there is still the aversion to certain foods, but that’s manageable. I finally am enjoying and actually thinking about the baby. In fact, it’s all about the baby now, I even dream about seeing the baby in an ultrasound. And mind you it’s not just the regular ultrasound; the one I saw in my dream was a 3D image! Oh yes, there locations which do that. We have our ultrasound next month and I can’t wait to know if it’s a girl or a boy.

And yes, I have started putting on weight (I was thinking I might have put on 2 -3 lbs, but lo behold the weighing scale showed that I put on 8!) and that’s a little scary. Imagine, of the 30 or so lbs that I will be putting on, the baby will hardly weigh 7 lbs and it’s up to me to loose the rest? Scary, ain’t it? Well, now because of the extra weight and a round belly, I do not fit into most of my regular clothes, so time to go shopping. I did buy some maternity clothes. And yes, I do love being pregnant now, a very contradicting opinion from a couple of months ago! That’s about it for now, and will keep you guys posted!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Chef de Cuisine

This is my first attempt at Italian Cuisine. Please don’t say that it doesn’t look like an Italian dish. (Can anyone of you hear me shouting at the top of my voice “wooo hoooo !!!!”). I have always wanted to try cooking different cuisines (other than Indian) at home from a long time; and finally I did it today!

I have been reading my colleague’s blog (she blogs about food and cooking) and I was all the more inclined to trying one of her recipes. And another inspiring factor is a friend of mine who also tries cooking different kinds of cuisines (Imagine she and her husband go on cooking marathons!). I knew one of these weekends I would definitely try something different, but didn’t actually think that I would try today!

My hubby enjoys having a traditional Indian meal at the end of the day, and never really relished having a different cuisine. But I guess he has got bored too and was ok with trying something new. And the moment he said “Let’s try pasta today”, I was on my way to the grocery store to get everything I needed. Well, not exactly; I started searching for easy/simple Italian recipes on the internet. Thanks to my colleague’s blog, I could get a basic idea of what I needed and a base recipe. And off I went to the grocery store with a shopping list. I made parmesan crusted chicken and penne pasta with vegetables. I was very apprehensive of what it will turn out to be finally, but it was ok, not bad for a first try. (Can you see me patting my back?) Let me know if you need the recipe ;o). I did forget a couple of things, but the final dish turned out yummy !!! I finished it with a sprinkle of grated parmesan cheese.
What should I name it though ? Penne Pasta with veggies and Crispy crusted chicken....

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Seasons so beautiful!

Spring is just around the corner! This is my 4th spring here in the United States, but yet again it surprises me the way trees just spring back to life with a little sunshine…..trees that have become dead because of the freezing winters, trees that have lost all signs of life and shades of green because of the bone chilling temperatures. The fresh and translucent color of green that starts budding all around you is so pleasant to look at, the way brown just vanishes and different shades of green just take all the place is so amazing.

Actually, we get the first look of any arriving season at the departmental stores and especially the arts and crafts stores (Michaels is my favourite). The stores change their colors and displays in just a day and spread the mood of the oncoming seasons. Come spring, you will find a lot of tulips and bright daisies beautifully decorated in bouquets and come fall, you will see the same bouquets transform into warm and cozy colors like the oranges and the maroons of the maple leaves. And just another month from the fall, everything is decorated in deep red and silvery snowflakes welcoming the winter and the holiday season.

Every season gets a different mood along with it. While spring feels so peppy and vibrant, autumn marks the beginning of the festive season and the lovely feeling of spending your time with family and friends and winter is kind of a mix of gloomy and dreamy feeling. Sometime it looks so beautiful like a winter wonderland in a fairy tale that we have heard of as kids and only feel fortunate to be experiencing one, and sometimes it feels so gloomy and makes us long for bright mornings of the spring.

Being raised in a tropical weather, I was fortunate enough to have pleasant spring weather for most of the year. Well, a duh! that I was, I never really appreciated having such beautiful weather until I started experiencing it only for some time of the year. There is one thing for sure that I like about the widely varied seasons here (USA), we get a chance to shop quite often (give season as a reason you see!).

From where I come, winter is like mid fall here. And now after experiencing winters with 10 inches of snow, that doesn’t even measure up to winter for me! I did get my first taste of cold winter during my stay in Gurgaon, part of North India. Well, it dint snow there, but there was lot of fog and mist. I really enjoyed that. But on the down side, Gurgaon also had very and dry summers. Thanks to the climatic changes, summers in India are getting hotter, and it feels like there are only 2 seasons – summer and severe summer!!! It wasn’t this bad when I was younger. I do remember having moderate summers and chilly winters, but it’s no longer the same. Monsoons are no longer the same; they show up for only a short period of time. What’s happening to the climate?
Decreasing level of water in River Colorado

I know I started this post on a very happy note, but as I went on, I started feeling bad for what we are doing to these wonderful creations of Mother Nature. Are we doing enough to save the climate from even more damage? Actually all these thoughts crept into my mind when I was reading about how longer a particular material takes to decompose. When I read that thermo coal takes a million years to decompose, I was shocked! I was shocked not at the “million”, but at the number of thermo coal cups that we dispose everyday. I am no saint, I dispose at least 2. That really struck me hard. Hard enough that I decided to bring my own pet bottle (for water) and my own spoon and fork (for lunch). Well, it’s not much, but at least I will do whatever I can. It’s not just thermo coal, there are so many other things that we dispose and don’t even think twice before doing that – plastic bags, rubber, aluminum cans, diapers, woolen materials, Styrofoam and a whole lot of other things !


( I agree that some of them are recyclable, but still what proportion of are we able to recycle? Like for example, we keep shouting slogans that trees should not be cut, that will lead to soil erosion etc, but we still do cut them and make a lot of things out of the tree barks. One major product is paper, but what percentage of the paper products that we are disposing are being recycled? Are we still not going after trees and cutting them down? Yes, a lot of these questions are circling my brain right now, and I am sorry I am injecting everyone else’s mind who is reading my blog too! One particular question that keeps lingering in my mind is “Do we want our children to have an Earth with no nature and no beautiful seasons to enjoy?”

Friday, March 13, 2009

Writing Letters......

I have long been thinking about writing a letter, and I mean actually writing one and not “typing” as in “e-mailing”. Well, to whom? I haven’t thought about it yet. Thanks to all the technology we have, though its making easier and faster to communicate, haven’t we forgotten the good old way of writing letters? I spent my childhood with my maternal grand parents and my grand father taught me how to write letters to my mom and dad. I very sincerely used to write “Hope this letter finds you in the pink of health, good spirits etc”. Now, when I think about it, I feel where has all the art of letter writing gone? Do people use such phrases anymore? It feels a little vintage to write or to speak like that these days, but yet it’s so beautiful.

I am reading this book called “Indira” by Katherine Frank, which has letters written by Nehru to his daughter. In fact, to tell you the truth waiting to read those letters is what’s keeping me read through the book. Though Nehru used those letters desperately as a way of keeping in touch with his daughter and as a means of discussing everything he wanted to with her, they are not just pieces of information he was passing on to his daughter, but also a lot of love and affection. Reading that book and also memories from good old letter writing days have inspired me to write this post.

It always amazes me how letters can communicate such wonderful feelings. Well, emails also do, but I don’t think they do it well enough! Just a simple example would be – have you ever searched for an email and read it again and again? But you do that with letters, don’t you? At least I do. There are numerous occasions on which I scoured through my letters and searched for that one letter which was so special or which reminded me of some nice things, and read it again and again.

I loved waiting for letters, and I loved spending time writing letters. With emails, it’s like dropping a telegram; we don’t write much in emails, and thanks to the shortcuts, we end up dissecting the language trying to type a quickie! I used to pack my letters with everything I wanted to say, probably because I dint get to write another one till another 10 days (but with emails, you can write another one the next minute!). I am not trying to draw a comparison between letters and emails, but I am just trying to see how much time we used to spend doing something that was so wonderful! I feel the same even with e-cards. There was a time when I used to make personalized greeting cards and give them; which slowly transformed into e-cards; which has now deteriorated into one liner emails! Isn’t that sad? Things which used to give us so much happiness and satisfaction, we no longer have time to spend on them.

I don’t know about everyone else, but all these thoughts have definitely rekindled me enough to go back to writing letters, making cards and all those lovely things. Well, you never know I might end up writing a letter one of these days!